Sunday 29 March 2015

:: Malaysians, Buskers and Heroes ::

Malaysians recently have discovered a newfound appreciation towards buskers or 'seniman jalanan'. This is due to the powerful performance of Romancinta by special beings known as Caliph Buskers at the recent AJL. These physically-challenged individuals were discovered by another local artist, namely Edry from the KRU group (one of my favorite homegrown bands).

Caliph Buskers performing at AJL-29
Edry KRU with Caliph Buskers vocalist, Azmi Saat

Both KRU and Caliph Buskers have both showed us that talents, or heroes (as I would like to call it), exist in any social community level. Local genius Edry, championing the whole cause, has breathed life into the group of people often labeled as "unfortunate" by the community. The latter, Caliph buskers, have successfully confused Malaysians on who is really unfortunate today.

How shallow of us.

Anyone can be a hero. Anyone. To anybody. Or anything. Simply by performing good deeds and fulfilling wishes.

Thank you Edry. Thank you KRU. Thank you Caliph Buskers.

Go out there and be someone's hero today. Make them smile. Come back and share how you feel right after. If you have made someone (or something) smile today, I thank you too. :-)

Do check out their facebook page at



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